The Delivery Management Metrics

The Delivery Management Metrics

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The section will give us insight into what delivery management metrics are? And also, it will discuss the various processes in these metrics.

What Are Delivery Management Metrics?

Delivery management metrics are a set of metrics. It is typically measured by the delivery management team. These metrics provide information on how the development team works. And what are the efficiency and effectiveness?

As we all know, delivery management is a process that is performed when the product is ready to be released. And also, it includes as well as different phases from development until releasing the product.

This process will help us to understand what our strengths and weaknesses are for us to improve ourselves next time. And also, it will help us so that we know what the problems are. We have encountered their solutions.

Now, let’s get into our discussion in more detail about these metrics.

The following are the components of these delivery management metrics:

1. Features Released Per Period

This is a very effective and efficient way to measure the efficiency of the team in delivering features. This is what the team has accomplished in a specific period. This is easy to track as long as there is a way to categorize the features.

2. Features Released Per Team Member

This metric will give us insight into how efficient each team member is. This will also help us in finding hardworking team members that are not just hard-working but also effective at work.

3. Features Completed Per Period

This measures how many features were completed within a specific period. It will also measure how much work is done in a certain period. This can be compared to other periods for us to compare them. And to find out if we are improving ourselves or not.

4. Features Completed Per Team Member

This metric can be used as a measurement of how much each team member has contributed in the feature completion phase. It is also a very good indicator of the working efficiency of every team member.

So it contributes to these features in this phase. More than one feature is completed by an individual, the more efficient he or she is as a worker. And if it’s only one feature. Then this person needs some training or coaching to improve productivity in the company.

The company must provide him or her with enough resources. So they can achieve their production goals.

5. Features Deferred per Period and Reasons for Deferment

We must track these metrics. Because they will let us know when deferments of features are not necessary. And when they are essential to do so.

It’s going to improve the overall quality of features later on or when we need to defer them. Some uncontrollable events such as system downtime and so on. 

There are several reasons for deferring features. Such as:

  • wrong requirements,
  • negative impact on other items,
  • change in scope etc,

The list goes on and on. But there are different reasons for deferring items from their original release date. Nevertheless, we need to understand why we did it. So that we can apply it next time when we encounter similar circumstances.

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