Agile Delivery Management

5 Tips In Agile Delivery Management

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Agile delivery management has such advantages, so this section will talk about the 5 tips you should not miss. It will help you to have a smooth and agile process in delivery management.

Now, let’s see.

What is Agile Delivery Management?

Agile delivery management is an important concept that involves the continuous planning and delivery of a product or service. It is an approach in which changes will be made on the fly. Instead of planning everything in detail before the execution.

But why it’s so popular? It’s because it has the following advantages:

1. It saves time by avoiding waste, rework, and multitasking.

2. It avoids risk with minimal planning and less upfront design.

3. It improves quality through continuous feedback from users and stakeholders.

4. It helps to adapt quickly to any changes.

By using this method, you can know what works and what doesn’t work, by which you can avoid any moving obstacles on your way easily. Agile delivery management focuses on the result. Which is a working product as quickly as possible, rather than focusing on how the product will be developed or how the product can be built in a certain way.

The following are 5 tips in agile delivery management:

1. Standardize

Standardize your architecture early in the project lifecycle to build a resilient system that supports your business goals. Avoids unnecessary efforts at redesigning and reinvention during each iteration of agile software development.

The goal of adopting standard architecture is to make sure that your team is focused on delivering business value. Rather than spending time understanding complex business logic or unnecessary details about functionality details in the early stages of the agile software development lifecycle (ASDL).

2. Use lightweight integration techniques

It will help you to enable frequent deliveries throughout your project life cycle without increasing the deployment efforts of your team.

In an agile project life cycle, you don’t want to put too much load on your team to deliver changes quickly. Because as a result, they will spend too much time configuring their code and deployment environment. Rather than focusing on coding business logic or developing new features for your product or service.

That’s why integrating software components should be fast, easy, and reliable for your team members (e.g., build, test). So that they can focus more on valuable features rather than solving integration issues for each iteration of ADSL.

3. Use automated testing tools to make sure automated tests run regularly and reliably for each iteration of ADSL.

Automated testing tools play an important role in agile delivery management. They provide a mechanism for executing the tests repeatedly and quickly. So, your team can run the tests as soon as they write code and as often as possible. Automated testing tools also provide a lot of benefits for your team such as:

1. You can detect regression issues easily.

2. You know whether your software is stable or not.

3. You can write less code.

4. It helps to reduce costs for the development and maintenance of automated tests over time.

4. Use prototyping tools to deliver more features in less time.

Prototyping tools help you to create complex features quickly. And easily by using various techniques like click-through prototypes, mock-up prototypes, etc. They allow you to quickly deliver valuable features in short iterations such as daily builds and continuous integration (CI).

5. Use proper version control practices

It will help you to keep track of changes in the codebase. Through all stages of the project life cycle (e.g., analysis phase, design phase, development phase, and maintenance phase). And avoid any unnecessary conflicts with other team members during the agile software development lifecycle.

Which leads to an unstable application environment.As agile delivery management requires frequent changes in the codebase for each iteration of ADSL. Your team members must use a version control system (VCS) properly throughout the project lifecycle.

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