VP Service Delivery Salary

VP Service Delivery Salary

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One of the highest salaries in the industry today is VP service delivery. So we will tackle how much the VP service delivery salary is and various factors of the salary.

How Much Is VP Service Delivery Salary?

The average salary for a VP service delivery is $152,852. So this is incredibly high in comparison to the average salary of $77,841.

The salary can go as high as $223,972 and as low as $79,614. The middle 50% of VP service delivery salaries range from $122,954 to $174,148.

10th Percentile (10% of the population) earns around $71,440 per year. The 25th Percentile (25% of the population) earns around $99,487 per year. 

The Median (50% of the population) earns around $122,000 per year. The 75th Percentile (75% of the population) earns around $154,277 per year.

Finally, the 90th Percentile (90% of the population) takes home about $183,284 every year. So how much does a VP Service Delivery Salary? 

It’s about $135K – 210K per year. It’s a pretty big difference from the average salary of a VP Service Delivery which is around $152K – 223K per year. 

So you can see how this salary has such a wide range. And also why it’s so difficult to get hired into this position when the competition is so fierce.

What Determines A VP Service Delivery Salary?

Many factors determine what a VP Service Delivery salary will be in 2019. They are as follows:

Company Size: 

Smaller companies tend to offer lower salaries than larger companies with larger revenue streams. It is because they do not have as much money to pay employees. 

So if you can get into a large company and prove yourself. Then you will be taken care of financially because your value and importance to their organization are higher than.

Even executives who have been there for years in some cases.


The more experience you have in your specific field of work or industry typically yields higher salaries. It is because you are more valuable to employers at this point.

Then someone who has little or no experience at all or very little experience in your specific field or industry. 

Also, the more experience you have usually means higher salaries as well. Because employers see your value and know that you are more knowledgeable.

And also skilled at what you do than someone who has less experience or no experience at all. 


Where you live can be a factor in what you will earn because some areas are more expensive than others. Due to different economic factors like cost of living and standard of living.

For example, New York City tends to pay a higher salary in comparison to other areas in the United States. Because the cost of living is incredibly high.

Company Size:

Large companies tend to pay more than small companies. Small companies are more likely to struggle and typically have smaller revenue streams. 

So they cannot afford to pay employees as much as a large company can. 


The industry in which you work will play a factor in what your salary is going to be. For example, a high-tech company that is in the technology industry will likely pay you more than another company.

In the same area or industry that is not as popular or well known. 

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